My father-in-law was an Air Force meteorologist for 23 years. He enlisted at 18 and over the course of his career was promoted to Senior Master Sergeant, the second highest an enlisted man can go. We're so proud of him!
Of course with a military life comes lots of moves. My mother-in-law worked so hard to make every place they moved to a home. Those who are military wives know exactly how hard it can be to do that! Know that you're not alone, thousands have walked the same path before you and even more will follow in your footsteps.
They created as many memories for Ryan and his sister as they could in each place that they lived. Now that they have retired and settled down, my MIL wanted to pay tribute to each place that they lived, where they met and where their kids were born. How special, huh?
First, she painted the edges of canvases in a color complimentary to her wall color. Then she modge podged maps that she had torn from an old atlas. She bought a package of little wooden arrows and people from her favorite craft store and painted them before gluing them on to the map. The blue arrows represent the Air Force and the green represent the army. (My MIL wore combat boots! That's how she and my FIL met). Then she used stamping ink to smudge the edges of the map giving it a worn look.
Whether you use canvas, maps, stickers or wooden arrows, I hope you have fun making this project and remembering all the memories you have created each place you have lived!
Where we've been, makes us who we are!