There are a few different reasons why I chose to decorate Little One's room in a Vintage Farm theme and both are incredibly sentimental. Anytime someone asks me what my favorite childhood memory is the first thing that comes to my mind is my grandparents farm. My cousins and I spent countless summers and holidays exploring their 37 acres of pastures, hills and woods. We jumped hay bales, swam in the pond (in papa's shirts), rode horses, went sledding, fished, picked blackberries, the activities were endless. Oh, how my heart is so full because of those memories. My grandparents gave us more than just memories though. They gave us a legacy. My grandpa has been a pastor his entire life and though he is retired and in his 80's he goes to the VA Hospital in town to pray with vets. He has shown us in so many ways what it looks like to truly serve the Lord. Their farm is one of my favorite places to go not just because of the joyful memories but because it has shaped who I am.
My mother-in-law and I have become very close these past few years. We serve on the Women's Ministry team at church together and have planned countless events together. She has helped me make my own house into a home, been a shoulder to cry on and helps me not get too in over my head, or at least she tries. If you were to ask her about childhood memories, she would also tell you that her grandparents farm was one of her favorite places. Clide and Sarita were very influential in her life, establishing consistency, love and faith. They were an escape from what had been a dysfunctional home life. We chose to name our Little One after his great, great Grandpa Clide because of the impact he made in my mother-in-law's life. Without him, her life and our family would be very different.
I didn't quite realize the effect that legacies have until you have children of your own. My husband and I are so incredibly blessed, in ways we can't even comprehend, because of the generations before us that have served the Lord. We hope and pray that we can share such a legacy with our boys the same way our parents and grandparents have with us.
How perfect is this lamp shade? We found the burlap at Joann's and covered it ourselves. I say "we", but I really mean my MIL. I came up with the idea and she did it for me. I'm not sure what I'd do without her! She is always willing to jump in and help me. We used the same burlap to cover the letters to his name that hang above the canvases.
My mom gave me an old basket that I painted white to store his little blankets in. It's a great idea if the Toddler didn't insist on dumping them out every other day.
I bought this piece at a local vintage craft fair. It's one of my favorites! The faucets act as hooks or door knockers. We use them as hooks for his bath towel and jackets.
I'm in love with gray. I wanted everything to be gray.
Don't you love the measuring stick? Guess who made it for me? Yup, my MIL. She rocks.
I had a beautiful white cover on the changing pad but then I realized that was stupid. I decided not to bother with it the reasons being: 1. less laundry 2. wipes clean/stays clean.
What's a farm without mason jars? They are excellent for storing pacifiers, q-tips, diaper cream and any other little baby accessories! We bought a big jar and labeled it as his "truck fund". Thanks to my dad, both of our boys have a car fund that we started when they were born. Little One has a slow start but he has a few years.
My husband brought me home this tractor one day. Isn't he sweet?
The letter is a decoration from my baby shower that never happened. He came the night before!
When planning this room, I knew I wanted a gray crib. I had to have one. This set was really inexpensive compared to most gray cribs out there. I was elated to find one in my budget. I ordered it the day it came out on the market and waited 4 months for it to arrive. Unfortunately it arrived after the Little One did, but it was worth the wait! We love combining the modern straight lines with the vintage decor.
Both of my boys love their blankets that my sister-in-law made them. They are beautiful!
The fabric garland was made by a dear friend for my shower. The one that never happened.
I took the pictures then had them printed as 16x20 posters and I mounted them to canvas using Modge Podge. Both my MIL and I have mounted poster prints onto canvas using Modge Podge and it worked out beautifully each time! There are several tutorials to choose from but we were happy with our results. She didn't Modge Podge over the top of the photos so her photos have a very clean look. I did because I wanted an old, vintage feel. I would also recommend trimming down your poster just slightly. I had a little bit over an overlap that drives me crazy. Of course no one else would notice it but I do. So, lesson learned for next time.
These pictures mean so much to me! They are my own photos I took of my grandparents farm and of a farm we like to take the boys that's just down the road from us.
I hope you enjoyed. I hope you were inspired, if not to create, then to leave a legacy.